words with friends

words with friends

# Word for the Day

A careful consideration of all circumstances   circumspect   If you are circumspect, you think carefully before doing or saying anything. A good quality in someone entrusted with responsibility, though sometimes boring in a friend.   The word circumspect was borrowed from Latin circumspectus, from circumspicere “to be cautious.” The basic meaning of Latin circumspicere is “to look around.” Near synonyms are prudent and cautious, though circumspect implies…

words with friends

# Word for the Day

An action being compared to another greater action…   tantamount   When something is tantamount to another thing it is essentially its equivalent. For some animal activists, wearing fur is tantamount to murder.   Tantamount often refers to an action or thing being compared to another greater action or quality, as in, “Missing your finals is tantamount to dropping out of college.”…

words with friends

words with friends

words with friends

# Word for the Day

 Innovative concepts…. avant-garde   The term avant-garde refers to innovative or experimental concepts or works, or the group of people producing them. Pushing boundaries with his development of Cubism, Pablo Picasso was part of the early 20th-century art world’s avant-garde.   In French, avant-garde means the “vanguard” or the “advance guard” — basically the people and ideas that are ahead…

words with friends

# Word for the Day

A solution that takes a realistic approach…   pragmatic   To describe a person or a solution that takes a realistic approach, consider the adjective pragmatic. The four-year-old who wants a unicorn for her birthday isn’t being very pragmatic. If you’re pragmatic, you’re practical. You’re living in the real world, wearing comfortable shoes. If you’re dogmatic, you follow the…