Word for the Day

Word for the Day

# Word for the Day

 Anything that relates to teaching… pedagogical   Anything that relates to teaching is pedagogical. If your teacher has pedagogical dreams all night long, even in sleep, his mind is in the classroom.   The adjective pedagogical, pronounced “peh-duh-GAH-gi-cal,” comes from the Greek word paidagōgikos meaning “teacher.” If it’s pedagogical, it concerns teaching, from lesson plans to approaches to teaching, even how…

Word for the Day

Word for the Day

# Word for the Day

 Traveling from one location to another… peregrinate People who peregrinate are constantly on the move, traveling from one location to another. You might peregrinate from Italy to Spain to France during your European backpacking trip.   The most common way to peregrinate is on foot, wandering from place to place, as when you decide to peregrinate around your city’s…

Word for the Day

Word for the Day

# Word for the Day

 A lively, fancy word for “fussy.” persnickety   Persnickety is a lively, fancy word for “fussy.” If you’ve sent your salad back to the kitchen three times, you might be a persnickety eater.   The adjective persnickety sounds prickly like a porcupine, and persnickety people can indeed be sharp and prickly when they don’t get things precisely as they wish. I…

Word for the Day

# Word for the Day

Proper and polite behavior.     decorum   Decorum is proper and polite behavior. If you let out a big belch at a fancy dinner party, you’re not showing much decorum.   This noun is from Latin decōrus “proper, becoming, handsome,” from décor “beauty, grace,” which is also the source of English décor. The corresponding adjective is decorous, meaning “well-behaved in a particular…